Who is involved
in a strategy session
Strategy session is attended by the owners and managers of the company, who influence strategic decisions and create the main profit of the company.
Goals, projects, resources
Based on the owner's ambitions and the company's goals, the main challenges, development lines, key projects, necessary resources (for marketing in particular) will be identified.
Advertising slogans
Advertising slogans will reflect the company's positioning and competitive advantages
Target audience
TA that will bring in the most money and to which the company's main communication will be directed will be determined.
Sales channels
Features of sales channels and marketing decisions will be determined to avoid conflicts of interest between dealers and the plant
Reconstruction from competitors, positioning
Competitive advantages will be determined, which will favorably distinguish the company from competitors and become attributes of the company
Communication channels
In order to achieve the "heart" and "wallet" of the buyer, the communication channels used by the TA will be determined.